
I beat the track up like a hundred arms
I'm funky like underarms


Hi, I'm Tyler


I am an:



I like to make things

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I love archery.

Archery became a presence in my life when I was 14 and changed me irrevocably. 1,000,000+ arrows later, I go to practice with a smile on my face at the coming challenge. 

My favorite thing about archery is the mindfulness I feel when I am lost in the moment of shooting.

Have an archery question? Want to work together? Please reach out to me.

Astra Archery Shot Trainer

Trail Running

What happens to your feet when you run in sandals?


"running shoes"


Strong feet are widest at the tips of your toes

Lately I have come to the realization that my old footwear habituated postural deformities across my entire body and inhibited me athletically.

I’ve since dramatically changed the shape and function of my feet. This has been a transcendental experience for me, and deeply inspirational. At one time, I believed athletic shoe companies made products that helped prevent injury – now I see through the dogma.

This has many implications for archery too... 

Tyler Benner feet pressure archery


I am a life-long cyclist, having cut my teeth on the back roads of rural Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, riding to and from friends' houses, mixing it up with Amish horse and buggies. Whenever I am in a new city, I go on a ride and seek the high ground. I love climbing until the air gets cool. I crave carving corners and carrying a trajectory.

Once I started running in sandals, I came to realize my cycling shoes habituated postural deformities across my entire body and inhibited me athletically. I thought to myself, "What would it feel like to ride a bicycle with properly designed shoes?"

When you have a complete vision
different from everything –
bring it to life.

Strong Feet Athletics

Curious to learn more? Want to try a pair?

Send me a message

Life is beautiful